Q: Is Havi Mond really Jewish?
Only on her mother's side. Oh, and on her father's too.
Q: Why is everyone obsessed with Havi Mond?
A: Havi is the ultimate paradox. On the one hand she doesn't give
a crap, but on the other hand, she is very careful and precise.
Q: I heard that Havi is mean. What's her problem?
A: Whoever told you that is a total liar. Just like other mammals, Havi can
be mean OR totally awesome.
Q: What does Havi do when she's not modeling or flipping out?
A: Most of her free time is spent learning, but sometimes she flys.
Q: How religious is Havi?
A: She is from Tzfat so
she automatically knows Kabbalah and how cold the Arizal's mikvah is. She must also have a blue door, which like her, is mysterious
& hot.
Q: Would Havi ever take supermodel job if it was on shabbos?
A: Hot people like
Havi don't work on shabbos.
Q: Does Havi get kosher food on the photoshoots?
A: Duh, models don't eat.
Q: If you met Havi what
would you do?
A: I'd crap in my pants.
Then say Asher Yatzar and hope she says amen to my bracha.
Q: How does Havi
deal with being frum in the model world?
A: Who cares, she's hot
Q: Is Havi married?
A: She is too busy making
goyim wish they were jewish to be married.
Q: Does Havi drink?
A: I don't know, are
you buying?
Q: From Tzfat how does Havi
welcome the shabbos?
A: She goes out in the forrest
and all the animals come sing Kabbalas shabbos with her like Snow White.
Q: How come Havi hasn't
modeled for Abercrombie? or J Crew?
I bought a $32 tie from them, and
you can't hire Havi! Anti-semites!
Q: How come Havi never smiles
in pictures?
A: Supermodels from Israel have
to look tough.
Q: When will Havi be in
the USA?
A: When her real career
starts and she gets a role on the WB
Q: Who is Hotter Cindy Crawford
or Havi?
A: Havi. Bigger Bean.
Q: Who would win in a catfight
Havi or Halle (Berry)?
A: Havi. Bigger Bean.
Q: Havi vs. Ditka?
A: Tough one. Havi by 15.
Q: Does Havi have an Accent?
A: we only speak the language
of love together. And by speak I mean carve her name into my desk.
Q: So you've met Havi?
(ps. none of this info is
at all true)